PenCHORD publications#

Stroke preprints (due for publication 2024/25)#

Allen, M., Pearn, K., Jarvie, R., Laws, A., Frost, J., Farmer, L., McMeekin, P., Pope, C., Lang, I., Pratt-Boyden, K., Everson, R., & James, M. (2024). Stroke Audit Machine Learning (SAMueL-2). Zenodo. link

Pearn, K., Allen, M., Laws, A., & James, M. (2024). Are the patients who would benefit from thrombolysis the same ones as those receiving it? A machine learning study of the UK stroke registry. Zenodo. link

Pearn, K., Allen, M., Laws, A., & James, M. (2024). Thrombolysis: Are the results from the clinical trial meta-analysis seen in real life outcomes? A machine learning study of the UK stroke registry. Zenodo. link

Pearn, K., Allen, M., Laws, A., McMeekin, P., & James, M. (2024). Identifying levers for improving thrombolysis use and outcomes – combining clinical pathway simulation and machine learning applied to the UK stroke registry. Zenodo. [link](Zenodo.

Stroke (peer-reviewed papers)#

Alton, A., Flynn, D., Burgess, D., Ford, G.A., Price, C., James, M., McMeekin, P., Allen, M., Shaw, L., White, P. (2024) Stroke Survivor Views on Ambulance Redirection as a Strategy to Increase Access to Thrombectomy in England. British Paramedic Journal (in press).

Pearn, K, Allen, M., Laws, A., Monks, T., Everson, R. and James, M. (2023). What Would Other Emergency Stroke Teams Do? Using Explainable Machine Learning to Understand Variation in Thrombolysis Practice. European Stroke Journal 8 (4): 956–65. link

James, C., Allen, M,. James, M., Everson, R. (2023) Using machine learning and clinical registry data to uncover variation in clinical decision making. Intelligence-Based Medicine. 7, 100098. link

Allen, M., James, C., Frost,J., Liabo, K., Pearn, K., Monks, T., Everson, R., Stein, K. and James, M. (2022). Use of Clinical Pathway Simulation and Machine Learning to Identify Key Levers for Maximizing the Benefit of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke. Stroke. 2022;53:2758–2767 DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.038454 link. Editorial at: link

Allen, M., Pearn, K., James, M., White, P. and Stein, K. (2022). How many comprehensive and acute stroke centres should the UK have? In: Mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke: an implementation guide for the UK. link

Allen, M., James, C., Frost, J. Liabo, K., Pearn, K., Monks, T., Zhelev, Z., Logan, S., Everson, R., James, M., Stein, K. (2022). Using simulation and machine learning to maximise the benefit of intravenous thrombolysis in acute stroke in England and Wales: the SAMueL modelling and qualitative study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research. 2022 Oct 21;10(31):1–148. DOI: 10.3310/GVZL5699 link Accompanying online book: Available online at: link. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5078131

Allen M, Pearn K, Ford GA, White P, Rudd AG, McMeekin P, Stein K, James M. (2022) National implementation of reperfusion for acute ischaemic stroke in England: How should services be configured? A modelling study. European Stroke Journal 7:28-40. doi:10.1177/23969873211063323 link

McMeekin, P., Flynn, D., Allen, M., Coughlan, D., Ford, G.A., Lumley, H., Joyce, B.S., James, M.A., Stein, K., Burgess, B. and White, P. (2019) Estimating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of establishing additional endovascular Thrombectomy stroke Centres in England: a discrete event simulation. BMC Health Services Research 2019;19:821. doi:10.1186/s12913-019-4678-9 link

Allen, M., Pearn, K., Monks, T., Bray, B., Everson, R., Salmon, A., James, M. and Stein, K. (2019) Can clinical audits be enhanced by pathway simulation and machine learning? An example from the acute stroke pathway. BMJ Open 2019;9:e028296. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028296 link

Peulter, A, Redekop, K., Allen, M, Peters, J., Eker, O. & Severnes, J. (2019). Exploring the cost-effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy beyond six hours following advanced imaging in the UK. Stroke 50(11):3220-3227. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.119.026816 link

Allen, M., Pearn, K.,Villeneuve, E., James, M., Stein, K. (2019). Planning and providing acute stroke care in England: The effect of planning footprint size. Frontiers in Neurology. link

Allen, M., Pearn, K., James, M., Ford, G.A., White, P. Rudd, A.G., McMeekin, P. & Stein, K. (2018). Maximising access to thrombectomy services for stroke in England: a modelling study. Eur. Stroke. J. link

Allen, M., Pearn, K., Villeneuve, E., Monks, T. Stein, K. & James, M. (2017) Feasibility of a hyper-acute stroke unit model of care across England: a modelling analysis. BMJ Open. link

Monks, T., Van der Zee, D-J., Lahe, M., Allen, M., Pearn, M., James, M., Buskens, E., Luijckxc, G-J. (2017) A framework to accelerate simulation studies of hyperacute stroke systems. Operations Research For Health Care 15:57-67. link

Pitt, M., Monks, T., Crowe, S. and Vasilakis, C., 2016. Systems modelling and simulation in health service design, delivery and decision making. BMJ quality & safety, 25(1), pp.38-45. link

Monks, T., Worthington, D., Allen, M., Pitt, M., Stein, K., & James, M. A. (2016). A modelling tool for capacity planning in acute and community stroke services. BMC health services research, 16, 1-8. link

Monks, T. Pearn, K. & Allen, M. (2015) Simulation of Stroke Care Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. L. Yilmaz, W. K. V. Chan, I. Moon, T. M. K. Roeder, C. Macal, and M. D. Rossetti, eds. link

Monks, T., Pearson, M., Pitt, M., Stein, K. and James, M.A., 2015. Evaluating the impact of a simulation study in emergency stroke care. Operations Research for Health Care, 6, pp.40-49. link

Monks, T., Pitt, M., Stein, K. and James, M.A., 2014. Hyperacute stroke care and NHS England’s business plan. BMJ, 348. link

Monks, T., Pitt, M., Stein, K., & James, M. (2012). Maximizing the population benefit from thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a modeling study of in-hospital delays. Stroke, 43(10), 2706-2711. link

Pitt, M., Monks, T., Agarwal, P., Worthington, D., Ford, G. A., Lees, K. R., Stein, K. & James, M. A. (2012). Will delays in treatment jeopardize the population benefit from extending the time window for stroke thrombolysis?. Stroke, 43(11), 2992-2997. link